What is SEO keyword research?

What is SEO keyword research?

Keyword research is the process by which you research popular search terms people type into search engines like Google, and include them strategically in your content so that your content appears higher on a search engine results page (SERP).

By “SEO” I mean Search Engine Optimization. The term was introduced in 1998 by Neil Patel of Penguin, and it refers to Search Engine Optimization SEO.

Let's break down what SEO means for those who are new to this topic…

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation is an important part of SEO. It gives your website more exposure in the SERP.

Search Engine is an abbreviation of three words - “Search” which stands for searching, “Engine” which means your Internet service provider, and “Optimize” which means increasing the chances you’ll appear on top of other results on google search pages.

The keywords or search terms you use are related to what people search for when they type these terms on Google. That can be related searches or broader terms.

For example "booking car hire"

When someone types "bookings" they expect to see lots of book shops/restaurants on their first page of Google. In contrast, most people won't want to find a travel agency near me, but instead would be searching for car hire agencies across the world through Google.

But how do you know if a keyword has been chosen carefully and is relevant to what your audience is looking for?

There are different ways to identify whether a keyword is a good fit for your content or not. Firstly, you need to narrow down the keyword to make sure the word exists within your niche and that there aren’t any duplicates within that keyword so you’re able to create a strong keyword for your content. Secondly, you can also look at the competition by researching other websites similar to yours that are ranking high in searches. Lastly, you should also analyze the history of the keywords by researching your competitors and what they have done when it comes to SEO. So even if you’ve thought about writing a blog post on tips and tricks to rank on Google or Yahoo, there are many examples right now out there already.

So where does all the keyword research work go?

Firstly, you will have to understand how Google works and how a big part of its traffic comes from search phrases, in addition, you can analyze search history to get details about past searches you can use for your content to increase organic visibility. Keywords don’t just help your business. They can improve your online presence or overall digital marketing efforts. For example, this blog post series titled Top 3 Tips shows that SEO plays a key role in Google ranking and ranking is only one component but it cannot be ignored. And many others do, so start focusing on learning everything there is to know about SEO.

What is SEO keyword research?

All that being said, here’s a little tip - keep up with this SEO game because we are going to face some serious headwinds if we stay passive and take no action. But before that, let's talk about my experience and how things were.

The journey to becoming an SEO expert started in 2010 in Berlin. Having studied international relations and political science, I had the task of working as a journalist and working in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. Being a freelance writer I was always interested in blogging and the opportunity came up. At that time, a lot of bloggers moved to cities like Rome, Melbourne, London, New York, and others. So why not follow in their footsteps and move there? There are great opportunities and resources in Europe to learn and explore the field of SEO. This was where the idea of starting our company appeared. As a company in Germany, we started using the services offered by local companies. Eventually, the decision was made to launch ourselves publicly.

Within weeks, we had launched our Facebook page, Instagram account, guest blog on medium with the name of Tech Geeky, and finally our official WordPress site. We’ve worked hard to grow our audience and to be successful. Now, we are proud not only to announce our success but also to show the rest of the world what German guys do best. Our main focus is our online community of readers and clients where you can ask questions and have access to support and assistance for better SEO.


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