What is Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing

How Do We Use It?

Digital marketing is essential for any business, however, you will need to understand it for the most part. The following is a breakdown of what we would use digital marketing.


A website can be very simple and not seem too advanced; when looking at an example of Google, you may see the blue highlighted box with the search engine result that follows. This could appear in print or on computers, and it gives a good idea to understand the different types of web pages you can create. On a more advanced level, your website can show information you have available; for example, “What are our services” on a service page and “How many seats are left” on any webpage. If you were trying to advertise, you might want to look at which keywords the customers search for on your site, especially if it was easy for the customer to order another item on their own. You want to keep a tab on where a user comes from whether they are local-based customers or international. You may also want to analyze how people search; maybe there are certain words related to specific categories. Web pages are useful because they allow you to collect data about users, and you can work out exactly what types of content work best for promoting your offerings.

Social Media:

Social media is like web pages or direct advertisements, except that social media is linked to the internet and takes place in real-time. Not only do you get to know who is interacting with your page but can link them to the rest of your online accounts. For example, you can link your Facebook account to your Twitter one and vice versa; you can then share pieces of advertising and links in conversations around your site. This allows you to find new audiences at little or no cost. When working out how much of an audience you should have for each platform, focus on the platforms you like the most. For example, when looking at a study done by IBM, concluded that the average number of users with mobile phones increased by 14% between 2016 and 2019, so you want to make sure to target this community.

Search Engine Optimization: SEO is important if you are targeting the right audiences. A solid SEO strategy is key for getting your webpage up as high as the results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way you optimize your webpage based on keywords you use. To achieve SEO success, write detailed descriptions of how your product solves problems for consumers. Include your branding tagline, which explains why your business exists and what it achieves. At the top and bottom of every page, include keywords relevant to your industry, and also explain how you can improve your products and services. Make sure to avoid using keyword stuffing and keyword stuffing, as it can lower the ranking if someone searches for something else. These words that Google understands are very important; they can sometimes confuse other readers. Also, try your best to mention your brand name; this can make sense if someone has heard your name before. Finally, don’t forget to mention contact details like phone numbers. All these factors combined can boost the volume of traffic on your site, improving the visibility of your content and increasing the chances of your webpage being found.

Social Networks Platforms: As stated previously, social networks are important because this is where everyone goes when they want to talk to friends or family. Whether it’s a group chat or a private message, everybody creates profiles for themselves on one or more social networks. It makes sense for businesses to start making their account on multiple sites as soon as possible. Building relationships with each user and creating value for them is just another reason why you want to consider building your presence on several social media platforms. Having a presence on almost any network increases your chance to build up a loyal fanbase. Creating authentic posts and engaging in conversation with users is the fastest way to develop strong partnerships with your audience. An example of a social account that people can follow is Mango Mama, so if you would like to build up the community in your area, you can take the plunge. There is a free trial, which includes 1 million followers.

Search Engine Advertising:

This is a great way to increase your profile and generate even more traffic without having to pay for ad campaigns. People can click on your website and then click on your ads on the right side of things like blog posts and news articles, all within seconds. They won’t find your actual business or offer, so they are bound to go somewhere else, and that is often enough to turn them away. In my experience, ads have been successful with B2B websites and landing pages, although not always in terms of sales leads. However, you can still do some form of search engine optimization and try to promote yourself in the right places.

Search Engines

Since there are so many options in the field of SEO, you might want to look into developing unique offers on your website, but this is not necessary. This will help ensure the quality and relevancy of the content. Create a personalized experience for customers and give them a reason to continue coming back. By offering a special offer on your site or product, you can increase your conversion and brand loyalty. One company I run an affiliate marketing program for, called Amazon Flex, has created an offer where buyers can spend £5,000 to upgrade their package if they decide otherwise and receive a 10 percent discount. That is the same offer that we offered last year for the first 90 days. It encourages customers to complete their purchases and move on to the next one. After two years, our offer has generated over 5,000 signups.

Mobile Marketing

Another avenue to reach younger audiences in your demographic is developing mobile apps. Why did Amazon get to more than 50% of smartphone users, and why do small businesses? Mobile marketing could be another source to grab young eyes. Your website or social media channels will probably generate a lot of digital noise. While many people ignore notifications and scroll past them, people are on their phones. Most people have their smartphones with them around the house and that means they aren’t going anywhere else, meaning they are already aware of the latest developments in technology. So you want to make sure that your app is responsive and gets downloaded fast to attract attention.

Social Media Channels

This is where a huge chunk of digital marketing goes, but how are you supposed to manage them effectively? Nowadays social media networks are the standard to drive engagement. With an extensive roster of social networks, you can access a large pool of potential customers who have common interests and then engage with each other. Depending on what you want to do, you can choose to use or create social networks for your business or business products. The goal is to reach those people and drive traffic to your website. Some social platforms that you can use include Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, Tumblr, and so on. Be clear with your goals when choosing the social media platforms and stick to them. Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot grow on any other platform, just remember that this is where everyone is. Once you begin to gain traction on a few of them, you start to look at expanding social media platforms that suit your needs.

Promotional Emails

It is the simplest way of promoting anything and everything. Email newsletters are great because your subscribers can subscribe on any device they have with Internet access. You can send emails to people’s email addresses. Alternatively, you can use Facebook Messenger or Skype to engage with potential clients. Promotional emails are one of the most effective forms of communication, with over 60% of marketers saying that emails are their favorite type of promotional tool. Mailchimp has become quite popular, allowing you to create highly customizable emails with lots of pre-designed layouts. Just make sure to include compelling headlines with relevant hashtags to draw in the interest of your reader. Keep all your subscribers happy. And don’t forget to add calls-to-action in bold text to give them a reason to keep reading about a topic you are talking about! As with any form of marketing, this pays off in numerous ways. If you have ever read the famous book Atomic Habits, stop and think about the habits you wish you had. Then figure out how the habit works for you, and apply it to your business. Remember though, consistency is key when driving traffic to your business.

Social Media Posting

One way to market yourself is by posting your business on social media. You can post about your events on Facebook, Instagram, and so on. For example, during the pandemic lockdown last year, we had a series of big events, including conferences, live streams, and training sessions with experts. You can use social media posting to highlight your offerings and interact with your audience. Plus, they are cheap and easy to execute. You can start small and scale up depending on the growth rate you want. Social media postings are a quick way of reaching customers and connecting with other sellers on similar topics.

Media Placement

How do you get noticed? This is a tricky question to answer, so here are some points to consider. One thing you can do is focus on the content rather than what's going on in front of the camera, so if you have done a video about the best burger money can buy in Britain, go on YouTube and create hundreds of videos all across your channel. Try doing this for as long as you can and post regularly. Share new recipes on Instagram. If you do a giveaway, post on Reddit and encourage others to participate. Tell your story on Youtube. Use videos to tell stories about your life and what your heart is telling you. Start documenting the process behind your business instead of just showing it. Or show what you’re doing


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