Important Factors to Consider When Choosing E-Commerce Platforms

Important Factors to Consider When Choosing E-Commerce Platforms

An eCommerce platform is a software application that allows an eCommerce business to sell its products or services online through its website. This type of web-based software creates a user experience similar to the offline buying process: online shopping, ordering, etc. And, there are lots of platforms available for this kind of business. The most popular ones are Shopware and Magento.

The main difference between these two kinds of solutions is the price you pay. It’s worth considering your factors when choosing an e-commerce platform and finding out your final choice.

To start with, both options have different features. For instance, in both cases, the platform offers integration of third-party applications, which means it can work directly with other digital systems such as social networks, search engines, and more. On the other hand, although each solution has its pros and cons, they offer varying levels of functionality. As a result, one strategy may be better than another.

Here are five important categories to consider while selecting an e-commerce platform:

The Features

The most important factor is the extent of functionality that you need. Websites like Amazon and eBay allow people to buy anything they want and manage their purchases on their mobile devices. But when your customer needs something that requires less effort and time, then only websites with minimal functionality could be beneficial. In addition, it’s a good idea to compare platforms, so you can see how much functionality you can get for each price.


Another essential consideration is security. You also need to make sure the system is secure enough, so you can expect protection from hackers and viruses. Several sites also provide email verification, password protection, anti-virus protection, and more. With this information on hand, you can start looking for the best WordPress theme for your site. The next important consideration is whether you need plugins with additional functionalities, like WooCommerce. Many free plugins allow you to add support for over 100 different types of products, including several different types of themes. On the other hand, if you want extra functions, you can look for subscriptions or upgrade plans that will give you access to additional features (for instance, SEO). That said, you should always keep in mind the cost of a subscription or a fully paid plan.

The Price

Price is the second deciding factor here. What is the total cost associated with starting (or selling) your business on any platform? In other words, what does the average person expect to pay for the full package? Do you know how much it will cost to build (or change) it every year? Are you able to afford it at all times? If prices increase by 50% on an annual basis, for instance, are there opportunities that you could consider moving to other platforms for less expensive yet complete packages? Also, think about your budget and your target audience: you want to set yourself a small but manageable budget. At least a month before you select your platforms, check costs, and do not hesitate to get an estimation.

There is no limit to customers in terms of the number of visitors your site receives. For example, Amazon allows anyone to sell whatever they want to provided they meet their minimum sales goal without having a prior domain name. There is an option for building as many units as possible, which increases customers’ satisfaction. Plus, even though you choose a particular place, the content delivered looks unique depending upon where you want to ship them.

Finally, whether you want your products listed on Google or Bing results, you already have the tools that can serve this purpose. However, some services allow users to submit their product descriptions directly without using keywords. So your job is to find those platforms, so you don’t lose any data on your competitors.


Another crucial aspect is whether you want to host your data on one platform or multiple ones or to use a single database. For instance, there is Zendesk, which allows you to store various metrics, but it’s a nice idea to have a separate repository since you will be responsible for managing it. Some other platforms have the same features, so you don’t have to worry too much about this consideration. Then you need to decide whether you want to deal with localization and customization or not, which ones are appropriate for you? The same goes for pricing. Don’t forget about the importance of making money and profit.

And finally, don’t forget about your technical aspects. You can check everything that your company will require to know. For instance, you can configure certain settings and tools. How much space do you need? Is the size of your files manageable? Does it need specific versions or do you have to take a backup every day? Check all details beforehand, so you won’t regret it later. Keep in mind that different providers offer a wide range of storage types, so you can pick one that you like.


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